Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program Educator Visit CCC&TI

Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program Educators Visit CCC&TI

On Thursday, October 5,2023 Caldwell County Schools and Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute hosted a group of 22 international educators as part of the Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) through Appalachian State University. The group spent the first half of the day visiting Caldwell Early College High School and Caldwell Applied Sciences Academy. In the afternoon, the group took a walking tour of the CCC&TI campus, visiting some of our Career and Technical Education areas. The Fulbright scholars also participated in an informal Q & A session with instructors from CCC&TI’s Art & Sciences department.

Fulbright Educators

Countries represented by visiting students included: Bangladesh, Turkey, Venezuela, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, India, Vietnam, Nigeria, Chile, Thailand, Croatia, Mozambique, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. Pictured are many of the visiting educators along with several CCC&TI Faculty members.

