Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

Publicity Request Form

Publicity Request Form

  • The more complete and timely your information, the better the publicity.
    Consider the following questions when completing the form below:Who? What? When? Where? and Why?
  • In most cases – someone from the marketing department will have follow-up questions, which can be minimized with complete information on the publicity request form.
  • Marketing/Publicity Requests may be rejected if complete information is not provided.
  • Please type carefully. If you misspell or provide incorrect information, it may go out that way.
  • If you do not receive an e-mail within 48 hours confirming your request, please call Amy Bowman at 726-2209 or email to ensure it was received.
  • Please send your information at least three weeks in advanceof the actual event. Most media outlets request the information at least two weeks ahead of time.
  • Making a request does not guarantee publicity. The Marketing and Communications Department has final say on how requests are handled and which resources are used. Decisions are based on institutional priorities, department guidelines and availability of resources.

All fields on this form are required.

What service are you requesting?

(please check all that apply)

Pre-event Publicity?

Post event publicity?


Press release?

Paid print advertisement?


Paid print advertisement?

On-campus fliers/posters/monitors?


TV program/commercial?

Social Media?



Brochure/printed materials?


Chronicle article?

E-mail to students?

Is this event/activity open to the public?



Is there a cost for admission/participation?


How Much?




Your department:

Title of event:

Date/Time event begins:

Date/Time event ends:

Contact person:

Contact e-mail:

Contact phone number:

Short description of event:
(headline or one-sentence summary)
Can only type 450 characters or 10 lines.
Longer description:
(who, what, where, when, why, how)
Can only type 910 characters or 20 lines.
Background or description
of sponsoring department:
Can only type 225 characters or 5 lines.
Benefit to the college/community:
Can only type 225 characters or 5 lines.