Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

Regroup Alert Messaging

Regroup Alert Messaging

CCC&TI is pleased to announce the availability of a campus alert and group messaging system. In partnership with Regroup Inc., CCC&TI provides text message, e-mail and voice broadcast services for the campus community. This system will provide instant notices to students, faculty and staff dealing with campus delays, important dates, closures and emergency alerts at CCC&TI.

Important signup information:

  • Enter Contact Information (name, email address, etc.)
  • Enter your Phone number including area code (example 8284445555 ) in the Phone Number field.
  • Deselect any delivery methods you do not want (text, voice, e-mail)
  • Alerts will be sent to groups, Watauga or Caldwell. You MUST join one or both group in order to receive alert messages. Use the drop-down arrow to see the groups and click to select the group(s) you want to join.
  • Click the Join button.
  • Now grant permission for Regroup to send text messages, by click the check box at the bottom then click the save button

CCC&TI Alert & Group Messaging FAQ

  • Who is Regroup?
    Regroup is the third-party vendor we have contracted with to provide campus alert services.
  • How does it work?
    Messages informing students, faculty, and staff of a campus emergency or closure will be distributed via this system.
  • Who receives the messages?
    This is an optional service available to students and faculty. Users must sign-up/opt-in to receive the alert messages.
  • Where will these messages be sent?
    Users get to choose how the messages are delivered: cell phone text message, phone voice message or e-mail. Users can choose any or all modes of delivery.
  • Can I have the messages sent to my home (land line) phone?
    Yes, to have a voice message sent to your any "land line" you need to enter the phone number and select "No Carrier(Not Listed)" in the carrier field.
  • If I am new to the college, do I need to create an account for myself?
    YES, users must sign-up to receive messages. This is an optional service that CCC&TI is providing.
  • Can I update my record with information so that I can receive text messages on my cell phone?
    Absolutely! But the decision to receive text alerts is totally up to the user. Keep in mind that standard messaging rates may apply and users will be responsible for those fees. Also, the college cannot be responsible for text messages that cannot be delivered due to extenuating circumstances.
  • What kinds of messages will I receive?
    Users will receive three types of messages:
    1. Messages sent to test that the system is functioning properly will be clearly identified as test messages. These test messages will be sent out approximately twice a year.
    2. Actual alerts about campus emergencies or closures.
    3. General communications from the college.
  • If I update my account at this time, do I need to do it again?
    No. After a user creates an initial communications profile, changes can be made at any time by accessing the system.
