Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

Testing Centers

Testing Centers

CCC&TI Testing Centers' intent is to serve our students and community members by providing essential testing services, including accommodated testing, instructor make-up, distance learning, high school equivalency, health sciences admissions, licensure and certification, and placement testing.

Caldwell Campus Testing Center

Location: John A. Forlines F-Building, 1st Floor, Room 153

Mailing Address: 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, NC 28638

Phone: (828) 726-2719

Testing Center Hours

Monday & Wednesday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Watauga Campus Testing Center

Location: Student Services Center, Building W460, Room 109

Phone: (828) 297-3811

Testing Center Hours

Monday - Wednesday 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Thursday 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Important Notes About CCC&TI Testing Centers

  • A valid photo ID (driver's license, college ID, passport, etc.) is always required to take any test.
  • No cell phones, electronic devices, backpacks, purses, food or drinks are allowed.
  • Make sure you allow appropriate time to take tests.
  • It is important to come prepared with the necessary materials needed for testing.
  • If a disability or special testing accommodations approval is needed before testing, contact Disability Services.

Testing services provided on both campuses unless otherwise noted:

  • Placement Testing

    • The Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE) Placement Test is an assessment used to determine college readiness and skill level in English and Math. Students can take certain portions of the test, or the whole sequence, depending upon their program of study, course choices, or high school GPA.
    • The tests include two English tiers and three math tiers.
    • Tests are not timed, but allow at least two hours for one visit testing.
    • Tests can be taken at one visit or multiple visits.
    • Placement tests are given Monday - Friday by appointment only.
    • Monday - Thursday no tests given after 5 pm (Caldwell Campus only).
    • Use this form to request your Placement Test Scores.
  • Instructor make-up testing for students

    • Photo ID required!
    • Appointment is preferred.
    • No tests given after 6 pm Monday – Thursday (Caldwell Campus only).
    • Tests must be started at least 30 minutes before closing for lunch and at the end of the day (Watauga Campus Only).
    • It is important to know your instructor’s name, so the correct test can be administered.
    • Please bring all materials that the instructor requires for the test.
    • All tests must be finished in one visit. If test is not completed, the instructor must approve an additional visit with the Testing Center.
    • No breaks unless specified by the instructor.
  • ATI (TEAS) Health Science Admission Test*

    • What you need to know before taking the ATI TEAS test.
    • Appointments will need to be scheduled at least a day in advance.

    *CCC&TI's ATI (TEAS) Health Science Test Policy:
    Testers must have applied to one of CCC&TI's Health Science competitive programs (Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant or Radiography) to take the TEAS test at the institution. Regardless of the test site, TEAS scores older than 2 years will not be considered. Valid scores must have been earned within two (2) years of the current program admission deadline. No more than 2 attempts are allowed within an academic year (August 1 – July 31).

  • CASAS basic and academic skills testing

  • Distance learning proctored tests

    • Appointments must be made with the:
      • Director - Testing Service (Caldwell Campus)
      • Testing Administrator (Watauga Campus)
  • Scheduled licensure and certification testing services

    NOTE: Fees are paid to the testing service when appointments are made on their website.
    • Pearson Vue

      High School Equivalency (HSE) tests GED and HiSET are available.

      FREE tests are available to (HSE) students enrolled in adult education classes in the Transitional Studies Department located in G-building. For more information about classes, please call (828) 726-2230.

      If you request a transcript from the Testing Center, it will only be an unofficial copy from our records or a letter stating that you completed requirements for the GED or HiSET program.

      Unofficial GED Request Form (PDF)

      Official GED and HiSET transcripts can be obtained from the NC Community College System by accessing

    • Meazure Learning - Credentialing Exams
    • PSI/True Talent (Caldwell Campus Only)

      FAA tests are scheduled and payments are made on this website:


Caldwell Campus

Watauga Campus